ACBC Counseling Exam - Question #12

Nov 6, 2022    Pastor Jared Johnson

12. (Case Study) Assume that the information you have here is a straightforward presentation of the facts and write down the homework assignments you want Erik to complete after this first meeting with you. After you list the homework explain the specific issues you will address with Erik in counseling sessions. Please include the categories of “put off” and “put on” in your answer.


Erik is a 20-year-old Believer who has been struggling with

pornography for the last three years. Before that time, he knew that

pornography existed but had never seen it because his parents carefully

monitored all the technology in their home. Erik discovered porn on a trip out

of town when some of his friends from High School showed it to him on their

phones. Since then, Erik has frequently looked at pornography. The problem

became worse when he moved to college and had unfettered access to the Internet

on his laptop computer. Several weeks ago, Erik became convinced that as a

Christian, he must begin to deal aggressively with this sin. He did the hardest

thing he had ever done and told his dad about the problem. Erik’s dad loves his

son and wants to help him but has no idea what to do about a problem like this.

They came together to meet you for counsel.

Suggested Reading:

-Jay Adams, The Christian Counselor's Manual, 176-216.

-Jay Adams, How to Help People Change, 190-200.

-Jay Adams, Theology of Christians Counseling, 237-248.

-Heath Lambert, Finally Free.

-David Powlison, Breaking Pornography Addition. Available at: Online Article

Additional Resources:

-Heath Lambert & Amy Evenson, Women and Pornography, from the Podcast "Truth in Love 42" delivered on April 5, 2017. Available at: Online Article

-Sean Perron, Spencer Harmon, & Taron Defevers, Pornography and Dating, from the Podcast "Truth in Love 247" delivered on April 5, 2017. Online Article